Download here some of the most recent papers on syncope
Does cardiac pacing reduce syncopal recurrences in cardioinhibitory vasovagal syncope patients selected with head-up tilt test? Analysis of a 5-year follow-up database
Vincenzo Russo a,*, Anna Rago a, Maria De Rosa a, Andrea Antonio Papa a, Iana Simova b, Ivo Petrov b, Nikolay Bonev c, Alessio Gargaro d, Paolo Golino a, Gerardo Nigro a
Mechanism ofsyncopewithoutprodromeswithnormal heart andnormalelectrocardiogram
Michele Brignole,MD,* Regis Guieu,MD,† Marco Tomaino,MD,‡ Matteo Iori,MD,§ Andrea Ungar,MD, Cristina Bertolone,RN,* Matthias Unterhuber,MD,‡ Nicola Bottoni,MD,§ Francesca Tesi,MD, Jean ClaudeDeharo,MD
Vasovagal syncope with asystole: the role of cardiac pacing
Michele Brignole1, Marco Tomaino2, Alessio Gargaro3
The benefit of pacemaker therapy in patients with neurally mediated syncope and documented asystole: a meta-analysis of implantable loop recorder studies
Michele Brignole1*, Jean Claude Deharo2, Carlo Menozzi3, Angel Moya4, Richard Sutton5, Marco Tomaino6, and Andrea Ungar7
Clinical outcome of patients with the Brugada type 1 electrocardiogram without prophylactic implantable cardioverter defibrillator in primary prevention: a cumulative analysis of seven large prospective studies
Pietro Delise1-3*, Vincent Probst2, Giuseppe Allocca3, Nadir Sitta3, Luigi Sciarra4, Josep Brugada5, Shiro Kamakura6, Masahiko Takagi7, Carla Giustetto8, and Leonardo Calo4
Etiological diagnosis, prognostic significance and role of electrophysiological study in patients with Brugada ECG and syncope
Carla Giustetto a,*,1, Natascia Cerrato a,1, Enrico Ruffino a, Elena Gribaudo a, Chiara Scrocco a, Lorella Barbonaglia b, Francesca Bianchi c, MiriamBortnik d, Guido Rossetti e, Paula Carvalho f, Riccardo Riccardi g, Davide Castagnoa, Matteo Anselmino a, Laura Bergamasco a, Fiorenzo Gaita a
Assessment of a structuredmanagement pathway for patients referred to the Emergency Department for syncope: results in a tertiary hospital
Andrea Ungar1*, Francesca Tesi1, Valentina Maddalena Chisciotti1, Giuseppe Pepe2, Simone Vanni2, Stefano Grifoni2, Daniela Balzi3, Martina Rafanelli1, Niccolo` Marchionni1, and Michele Brignole4
Standardized algorithm for cardiac pacing in older patients affected by severe unpredictable reflex syncope: 3-year insights from the Syncope Unit Project 2 (SUP 2) study
Michele Brignole1*, Francesco Arabia2, Fabrizio Ammirati3, Marco Tomaino4, Fabio Quartieri5, Martina Rafanelli6, Attilio Del Rosso7, Maria Rita Vecchi8, Vitantonio Russo9, and Germano Gaggioli10, on behalf of the Syncope Unit Project 2(SUP 2) investigators†
Management of transient loss of consciousness of suspected syncopal cause, after the initial evaluation in the Emergency Department
Ivo Casagranda,1 Michele Brignole,2 Simone Cencetti,3 Gianfranco Cervellin,4 Giorgio Costantino,5 Raffaello Furlan,6 Gianluigi Mossini,4 Filippo Numeroso,4 Massimo Pesenti Campagnoni,7 Paolo Pinna Parpaglia,8 Martina Rafanelli,9 Andrea Ungar9
Fludrocortisone for the Prevention of Vasovagal Syncope
Robert Sheldon, MD, PHD,a Satish R. Raj, MD, MSCI,b M. Sarah Rose, PHD,a Carlos A. Morillo, MD,c Andrew D. Krahn, MD,d Eduardo Medina, MD,e Mario Talajic, MD,f Teresa Kus, MD, PHD,g Colette M. Seifer, MD,h Malgorzata Lelonek, MD, PHD,i Thomas Klingenheben, MD,j Ratika Parkash, MD,k Debbie Ritchie, MN,a Maureen McRae, RN,a for the POST 2 Investigators
Prospective Assessment of the Risk of Vasovagal Syncope During Driving
Vern Hsen Tan, MD, Debbie Ritchie, MN, Connor Maxey, BSC, Robert Sheldon, MD, PHD, on behalf of the POST Investigators
Tilt-induced vasovagal syncope and psychogenic pseudosyncope
Helene Blad, MD* Robert Jan Lamberts, PhD* J. Gert van Dijk, PhD Roland D. Thijs, PhD
External prolonged electrocardiogram monitoring in unexplained syncope and palpitations: results of the SYNARR-Flash study
E.T. Locati1*, A. Moya2,3, M. Oliveira4, H. Tanner5, R.Willems6, M. Lunati1, and M. Brignole7
Assessment of a standardized algorithm for cardiac pacing in older patients affected by severe unpredictable reflex syncopes
Michele Brignole1*, Fabrizio Ammirati2, Francesco Arabia3, Fabio Quartieri4, Marco Tomaino5, Andrea Ungar6, Maurizio Lunati7, Vitantonio Russo8, Attilio Del Rosso9, and Germano Gaggioli10, on Behalf of the Syncope Unit Project (SUP) Two Investigators†
Syncope recurrence and mortality: a systematic review
Monica Solbiati1*, Giovanni Casazza2, Franca Dipaola3, Anna Maria Rusconi1, Giulia Cernuschi1, Franca Barbic3, Nicola Montano1, Robert Stanley Sheldon4, Raffaello Furlan3, and Giorgio Costantino1
Orthostatic Hypotension
Epidemiology, Prognosis, and Treatment
Fabrizio Ricci, MD,* Raffaele De Caterina, MD, PHD,* Artur Fedorowski, MD, PHDyz
Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality related to orthostatic hypotension: a meta-analysis of prospective observational studies
Fabrizio Ricci1, Artur Fedorowski2, Francesco Radico1, Mattia Romanello1, Alfonso Tatasciore1, Marta Di Nicola3, Marco Zimarino1, and Raffaele De Caterina1*
Long-term cardiac monitoring in older adults with unexplained falls and syncope
Jaspreet Bhangu,1 C Geraldine McMahon,2 Patricia Hall,1 Kathleen Bennett,3 Ciara Rice,4 Peter Crean,5 Richard Sutton,6 Rose-Anne Kenny1
Syncope in Brugada syndrome: Prevalence, clinical significance, and clues from history taking to distinguish arrhythmic from non arrhythmic causes
Louise R.A. Olde Nordkamp, MD,* Arja S. Vink, MD,* Arthur A. M. Wilde, MD, PhD,* Freek Lange, MD,PhD,* Jonas S. S. G. de Jong, MD,* Wouter Wieling, MD, PhD, † Nynke van Dijk, MD, PhD,‡ Hanno L. Tan, MD,PhD*
Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Therapy in Brugada Syndrome
Giulio Conte, MD,* Juan Sieira, MD,* Giuseppe Ciconte, MD,* Carlo de Asmundis, MD,* Gian-Battista Chierchia, MD,* Giannis Baltogiannis, MD,* Giacomo Di Giovanni, MD,* Mark La Meir, MD,y Francis Wellens, MD,y Jens Czapla, MD,y Kristel Wauters, MD,* Moises Levinstein, MD,* Yukio Saitoh, MD,* Ghazala Irfan, MD,* Justo Julià, MD,* Gudrun Pappaert, RN,* Pedro Brugada, MD*
Physical counter-pressure manoeuvres in preventing syncopal recurrence in patients older than 40 years with recurrent neurally mediated syncope: a controlled study from the Third International Study on Syncope of Uncertain Etiology (ISSUE-3)†
Marco Tomaino1*, Cristina Romeo1, Elena Vitale2, Teresa Kus3, Angel Moya4, Nynke van Dijk5, Silvia Giuli6, Giorgia D’Ippolito7, Alessandra Gentili6 and Richard Sutton8, on behalf of the International Study on Syncope of Uncertain Etiology 3 (ISSUE-3) Investigators
Midodrine for orthostatic hypotension andrecurrent reflex syncope
Ariel Izcovich, Carlos González Malla, Matias Manzotti, Hugo Norberto Catalano, Gordon Guyatt
Twenty-eight years of research permit reinterpretation of tilt-testing: hypotensive susceptibility rather than diagnosis
Richard Sutton and Michele Brignole
Clinical Laboratory Testing: What Tilt Table Testing and Implantable Loop Recorders for Syncope
Robert Sheldon, MD, PhD
Syncope Without Prodromes in Patients With Normal Heart and Normal Electrocardiogram
Risk of syncope during work
Germano Gaggioli1*, Mattia Laffi1, Massimo Montemanni2, Alessandro Mocini1, Paolo Rubartelli1, and Michele Brignole3
Standardized Care Pathway Versus Conventional Approach in the Management of Patients Presenting with Faint at the University of Utah
Prospective evaluation of non-pharmacological treatment in vasovagal syncope
Jacobus J.C.M. Romme1, Johannes B. Reitsma1, Ingeborg K. Go-Scho¨n2,3, Mark P.M. Harms4, Jaap H. Ruiter5, Jan S.K. Luitse6, Jacques W.M. Lenders7,8, Wouter Wieling2, and Nynke van Dijk1*
Clinical Efficacy of Ivabradine in Patients With Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia
Riccardo Cappato, MD,* Serenella Castelvecchio, MD,* Cristian Ricci, PHD,† Elisabetta Bianco, MD,* Laura Vitali-Serdoz, MD,* Tomaso Gnecchi-Ruscone, MD,‡ Mario Pittalis, MD,* Luigi De Ambroggi, MD,* Mirko Baruscotti, PHD,§ Maddalena Gaeta, MD,* Francesco Furlanello, MD,* Dario Di Francesco, PHD,* Pier Paolo Lupo, MD*
Benefit of Pacemaker Therapy in Patients With Presumed Neurally Mediated Syncope and Documented Asystole Is Greater When Tilt Test Is Negative An Analysis From the Third International Study on Syncope of Uncertain Etiology (ISSUE-3)
Michele Brignole, MD; Paolo Donateo, MD; Marco Tomaino, MD; Riccardo Massa, MD; Matteo Iori, MD; Xulio Beiras, MD; Angel Moya, MD; Teresa Kus, MD, PhD; Jean Claude Deharo, MD; Silvia Giuli, MSc; Alessandra Gentili, MSc; Richard Sutton, DSc; on behalf of the International Study on Syncope of Uncertain Etiology 3 (ISSUE-3) Investigators
Cardiac pacing in patients with neurally mediated syncope and documented asystole: effectiveness analysis from the Third International Study on Syncope of Uncertain Etiology (ISSUE-3) Registry
Richard Sutton1, Andrea Ungar2, Paolo Sgobino3, Vitantonio Russo4, Riccardo Massa5, Donato Melissano6, Xulio Beiras7, Nicola Bottoni8, Hans H. Ebert9, Maura Francese10, Marcella Jorfida11, Silvia Giuli12, Angel Moya13, Dietrich Andresen14, and Michele Brignole15*, on behalf of the International Study on Syncope of Uncertain Etiology 3 (ISSUE-3) Investigators†
Syncope and Idiopathic (Paroxysmal) AV Block
Michele Brignole, MD, FESCa,*, Jean-Claude Deharo, MD, FESCb, Regis Guieu, MDc
Diagnosis of neurally mediated syncope at initial evaluation and with tilt table testing compared with that revealed by prolonged ECG monitoring. An analysis from the Third International Study on Syncope of Uncertain Etiology (ISSUE-3)
Andrea Ungar,1 Paolo Sgobino,2 Vitantonio Russo,3 Elena Vitale,4 Richard Sutton,5 Donato Melissano,6 Xulio Beiras,7 Nicola Bottoni,8 Hans H Ebert,9 Michele Gulizia,10 Marcella Jorfida,11 Angel Moya,12 Dietrich Andresen,13 Nicoletta Grovale,14 Michele Brignole,15 on behalf of the International Study on Syncope of Uncertain Etiology 3 (ISSUE-3) Investigators
Nitrate-potentiated head-up tilt testing (HUT) has a low diagnostic yield in patients with likely vasovagal syncope
Petix, Nunzia Rosa; Electrophysiology and Pacing Section, Cardiology Del Rosso, Attilio; Electrophysiology and Pacing Section, Cardiology Furlan, Raffaello; Istituto Humanitas, Internal Medicine Guarnaccia, Vincenzo; Electrophysiology and Pacing Section, Cardiology Zipoli, Andrea; Electrophysiology and Pacing Section, Cardiology
Diagnosis, management, and outcomes of patients with syncope and bundle branch block
Angel Moya1*, Roberto Garcı´a-Civera2, Francesco Croci3, Carlo Menozzi4, Josep Brugada5, Fabrizio Ammirati6, Attilio Del Rosso7, Alejandro Bellver-Navarro8, Jesu´ s Garcia-Sacrista´n9, Miriam Bortnik10, Lluis Mont11, Ricardo Ruiz-Granell12, and Xavier Navarro13 on behalf of the Bradycardia detection in Bundle Branch Block (B4) study
Pacemaker Therapy in Patients With Neurally Mediated Syncope and Documented Asystole : Third International Study on Syncope of Uncertain Etiology (ISSUE-3): A Randomized Trial
Michele Brignole, Carlo Menozzi, Angel Moya, Dietrich Andresen, Jean Jacques Blanc, Andrew D. Krahn, Wouter Wieling, Xulio Beiras, Jean Claude Deharo, Vitantonio Russo, Marco Tomaino and Richard Sutton
New Concepts in the Assessment of Syncope
Michele Brignole, MD, Mohamed H. Hamdan, MD
Maggi Roberto MD, Furukawa Toshiyuki MD, Solano Alberto MD, Croci Francesco MD, Brignole Michele MD
San Francisco Syncope Rule, Osservatorio Epidemiologico sulla Sincope nel Lazio risk score, and clinical judgment in the assessment of short-term outcome of syncope – Franca Dipaola MD, Giorgio Costantino MD, Francesca Perego MD, Marta Borella MD, Andrea Galli MD, Giulia Cantoni MD, Franca Barbic MD, Francesco Casella MD, Pier Giorgio Duca MD, Raffaello Furlan MD, on behalf of the STePS investigators
Short- and Long-Term Prognosis of Syncope, Risk Factors, and Role of Hospital Admission – Giorgio Costantino, MD, Francesca Perego, MD, Franca Dipaola, MD, Marta Borella, MD, Andrea Galli, MD, Giulia Cantoni, MD, Simonetta Dell’Orto, MD, Simonetta Dassi, MD, Nicola Filardo, MD, Pier Giorgio Duca, MD, Nicola Montano, MD, PHD, Raffaello Furlan, MD, on behalf of the STePS Investigators
Orthostatic intolerance and coronary reserve: a matter of a certain gravity – Giorgio Costantino, Franca Dipaola, Carlo Selmi, Raffaello Furlan – 2010
Discrepancy between clinical practice and standardized indications for an implantable loop recorder in patients with unexplained syncope – CLINICAL RESEARCH Syncope and Implantable Loop Recorders – Elena Vitale – 2010
Pacing for syncope: what role? which perspective? – Michele Brignole, Franco Giada, Antonio Raviele, and Jean Jacques Blanc – 2007
Idoneità alla guida e sincope – GIAC – 2007
Classificazione elettrocardiografica della sincope spontanea documentata mediante looprecorder impiantabile – Michele Brignole, Paolo Donateo, Roberto Maggi, Angel Moya, Carlo Menozzi, Roberto Garcia-Civera, Richard Sutton – 2005
Come viene studiata la sincope negli ospedali italiani? – GIAC – 2007
Recurrent Unexplained Palpitations (RUP) Study: Razionale e Disegno dello Studio – Franco Giada, Antonio Raviele, Paolo Alboni, Paolo Azzolini, Gianluca Botto, Michele Brignole, Stefano Favale, Michele Gulizia, Carlo Menozzi, Eraldo Occhetta, Lucio Santangelo, Massimo Santini, Maurizio Santomauro – 2001
Diagnosis and Treatment of Syncope – Michele Brignole – 2007
L’analisi degli eventi aritmici infrequenti: il “loop-recorder” esterno – P. Alboni, N. Paparella – 2007
Elettrocardiogramma dinamico e sincope: una coppia definitivamente in crisi? – Angelo Bartoletti – 2001
Il Protocollo Italiano – Angelo Bartoletti (Coordinatore), Paolo Alboni, Fabrizio Ammirati, Michele Brignole, Attilio Del Rosso, Giovanni Foglia Manzillo, Carlo Menozzi, Antonio Raviele, Gruppo di Lavoro sulla Sincope AIAC-Area Aritmie ANMCO – 1999
Sincope: linee guida e studio sul campo – R. Maggi, A. Bartoletti, M. Brignole
Risultati e complicanze del massaggio del seno carotideo – Enrico Puggioni, Vincenzo Guiducci, Michele Brignole, Carlo Menozzi, Daniele Oddone, Paolo Donateo, Francesco Croci, Alberto Solano, Gino Lolli, Corrado Tomasi, Nicola Bottoni – 2001
Utility of in-hospital cardiac remote telemetry – Juan Benezet-Mazuecos, Borja Ibanez, Jose Manuel Rubio, Felipe Navarro, Edita Martı´n, Jose Romero, and Jeronimo Farre – 2007
Orthostatic hypotension: framework of the syndrome – Jochanan E Naschitz and Itzhak Rosner – 2007
Development and prospective validation of a risk stratification system – Furio Colivicchi, Fabrizio Ammirati, Domenico Melina,Vincenzo Guido, Giuseppe Imperoli, Massimo Santini, for the OESIL (Osservatorio Epidemiologico sulla Sincope nel Lazio) study investigators – 2002
Epidemiology of reflex syncope – N. Colman, K.Nahm, K. S. Ganzeboom, W. K. Shen, J. B. Reitsma, M. Linzer, W.Wieling, H.Kaufmann – 2004
Il tilt testing nella diagnosi di sincope – F. Giada, M. Madalosso, A. Raviele – 2007
Lack of correlation between the responses to tilt testing and adenosine triphosphate test and the mechanism of spontaneous neurally mediated syncope – Michele Brignole, Richard Sutton, Carlo Menozzi, Roberto Garcia-Civera, Angel Moya, Wouter Wieling, Dietrich Andresen, David G. Benditt, Nicoletta Grovale, Tiziana De Santo, and Panos Vardas for the International Study on Syncope of Uncertain Etiology 2 (ISSUE 2) Group – 2006
Limitations of Head-Up Tilt Test for Evaluating the Efficacy of Therapeutic Interventions in Patients With Vasovagal Syncope:
Linee Guida per la valutazione della sincope nell’anziano – A. UNGAR, T. CELLAI, C. MUSSI, A. DEL ROSSO – 2000
Management of Syncope in Adults: An Update – LIN Y. CHEN, MD; DAVID G. BENDITT, MD; AND WIN-KUANG SHEN, MD – 2008
Management of syncope in the Emergency Department: a single hospital observational case series based on the application of European Society of Cardiology Guidelines – Frances McCarthy, C. Geraldine McMahon, Una Geary, Patrick K. Plunkett, Rose Anne Kenny, and Conal J. Cunningham – 2009
Mechanism of Syncope in Patients With Bundle Branch Block and Negative Electrophysiological Test – Michele Brignole, Carlo Menozzi, Angel Moya, Roberto Garcia-Civera, Luis Mont, Miguel Alvarez, Francisco Errazquin, Julio Beiras, Nicola Bottoni and Paolo Donateo – 2001
Mechanism of Syncope in Patients With Isolated Syncope and in Patients With Tilt-Positive Syncope – Angel Moya, Michele Brignole, Carlo Menozzi, Roberto Garcia-Civera, Stefano Tognarini, Luis Mont, Gianluca Botto, Franco Giada and Daniele Cornacchia – 2001
Mechanism of Syncope in Patients With Heart Disease and Negative Electrophysiologic Test – Carlo Menozzi, Michele Brignole, Roberto Garcia-Civera, Angel Moya, Gianluca Botto, Luis Tercedor, Roberta Migliorini, Xavier Navarro and on behalf of the nternational Study on Syncope of Uncertain Etiology (ISSUE) Investigators – 2002
New classification of haemodynamics of vasovagal syncope: beyond the VASIS classification – Analysis of the pre-syncopal phase of the tilt test without and with nitroglycerin challenge – M. Brignole, C. Menozzi, A. Del Rosso, S. Costa, G. Gaggioli, N. Bottoni, P. Bartoli and R. Sutton – 2000
Risk stratification of patients with syncope in an accident and emergency department – S D Crane – 2002
Prospective Validation of the San Francisco Syncope Rule to Predict Patients With Serious Outcomes – James Quinn, MD, MS, Daniel McDermott, MD, Ian Stiell, MD, MSc, Michael Kohn, MD, MPP, George Wells, PhD – 2006
Sincope e blocco di branca: un problema tuttora aperto – Attilio Del Rosso, Angelo Bartoletti – 2004
Short- and Long-Term Prognosis of Syncope, Risk Factors, and Role of Hospital Admission: Results From the STePS (Short-Term Prognosis of Syncope) Study – Giorgio Costantino, Francesca Perego, Franca Dipaola, Marta Borella, Andrea Galli, Giulia Cantoni, Simonetta Dell’Orto, Simonetta Dassi, Nicola Filardo, Pier Giorgio Duca, Nicola Montano, Raffaello Furlan, on behalf of the STePS Investigators – 2009
Syncope Evaluation in the Emergency Department Study (SEEDS): A Multidisciplinary Approach to Syncope Management – Win K. Shen, Wyatt W. Decker, Peter A. Smars, Deepi G. Goyal, Ann E. Walker, David O. Hodge, Jane M. Trusty, Karen M. Brekke, Arshad Jahangir, Peter A. Brady, Thomas M. Munger, Bernard J. Gersh, Stephen C. Hammill and Robert L. Frye – 2004
Syncope Management From Emergency Department to Hospital – Michele Brignole, Win K. Shen – 2009
Usefulness and Safety of Shortened Head-Up Tilt Testing Potentiated with Sublingual Glyceryl Trinitrate in Older Patients with Recurrent Unexplained Syncope – Attilio Del Rosso, MD, Andrea Ungar, MD, Paolo Bartoli, MD, Tommaso Cellai, MD, Chiara Mussi, MD, Niccolò Marchionni, MD, Giulio Masotti, MD and The Gruppo Italiano di Studio della sincope dell’anziano – 2002